
Frequenty Asked Questions




Q: What is fsgrep?
A: Fsgrep is a simple Java application which allows a user to search all files in a directory structure for lines matching a given pattern. Its functionality is a combination of the Unix 'find' and 'grep' utilities.
Q: Where can I download fsgrep?
A: From this link.
Q: What is the current version of fsgrep?
A: 3.0.0
Q: How do I search in files with no suffix?
A: When defining the file suffix in the GUI, give "*". When using the command line version, give the '-t' argument and do not specify a suffix.
Q: Can I tell how many total lines were searched?
A: Yes. When the search is finished, click on the "statistics" tab in the search results window. The total excludes blank lines. If you searched source code, it also excludes comment blocks.
How do I search for the pattern "foo("? When I enter that, it says "Syntax error: missing close paren".
A: The issue is that the input does not take plain strings, but rather it takes patterns. (For full details, see the Java Regex library.) The problem in this example is that "(" is a special character in patterns. So to actually search for the left parenthesis, the search pattern should be "foo\(".