A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Y Z _


abortAction() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
accept(File, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.PatternFilter
accept(File, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.TextFileFilter
ACTION_LISTFILES - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
ACTION_REPLACE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
ACTION_RESCAN - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
ACTION_SEARCH - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
ACTION_UNDEFINED - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
add(JComponent) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.CommonSizeSet
add(String, Finder) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Add an entry to the (front of) list.
add(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
add(int, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
add(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
addFiles(File[]) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
addFilterNumber(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
addSubDirs(File[]) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
App - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
The principle GUI application class.
App() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
APP_DIR - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
append(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane
AppProperties - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Read default application configuration from a file.
AppProperties(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
Args - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
A simple bean that holds all the invokation parameters.
Args(String[]) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
Args() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
Principly for testing.


backup() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
BooleanChoice - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A specialization of JComboBox that presents the user with the choice between 'true' and 'false'.
BooleanChoice() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.BooleanChoice


centerInScreen() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Splash
CJavaSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
CJavaSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
clear() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane
clear() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
clearHistory() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
clearSearchStatisticsReport() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
clearText() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FilelistDisplay
close() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.FileOutput
close() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.OutputDestination
closeSplash() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
CodeSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
CodeSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
CommonSizeSet - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
Ensures all the elements in the set are the same preferred size.
CommonSizeSet() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.CommonSizeSet
compareTo(Object) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
ConsoleOutput - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
Send output to stdout.
ConsoleOutput() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.ConsoleOutput
contains(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Determine whether the given spec is on the list.
create(String, Args) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SearchFactory
create() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryFactory
createCmdArray(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
createCommand(String, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
createComponents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
createComponents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
createComponents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
createComponents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
createComponents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
createComponents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
createFileOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
createLineReader() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
createMainPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.InfoDialog
createOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane
createReportOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
createResultOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
createSpecification() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile


DATA_FILE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
The file where this object is persisted.
DEBUG - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
decrement() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ResultCounter
decrSegmentCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
decrTotalCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FilelistDisplay
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
defineActions() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
defineProfileSettings() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
defineResults(List<MatchResult>) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
DialogOutput - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
Send output to a notification dialog.
DialogOutput(Component) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.DialogOutput
DirScan - Class in mk.fsgrep.find
Examine the contents of a given directory for subdirectories and desired files.
DirScan(Finder, File) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.DirScan
display(String, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
doFixAll() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
doFixThis() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
doSkipAll() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
doSkipThis() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult


encode(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
ensureAppDir() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
equalize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.CommonSizeSet
equals(Object) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
equals(Object) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
execute(Runnable) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
ExternalEditor - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
A utility for launching an external editor on a match file.


factory - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
FIELD_WIDTH - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
FieldCounter - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
FieldCounter(JTextField) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.FieldCounter
FileLine - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Represent a single line from a text file.
FileLine(int, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.FileLine
FilelistDisplay - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
FilelistDisplay() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.FilelistDisplay
FILENAME_PROPS - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
FilenameSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
FilenameSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.FilenameSearch
FileOutput - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
Send output to a given file.
FileOutput(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.FileOutput
FileSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
Search for a regular expression in a file.
FileSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
FileViewer - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A simple viewer for text files.
FileViewer() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
FileViewer.Points - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
FileViewer.Points(int, int) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer.Points
FileViewer.SelectionLocation - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
FileViewer.SelectionLocation() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer.SelectionLocation
FILTER_SUBDIR - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.find.DirScan
findAverage(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
findButtonSelectPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
Finder - Class in mk.fsgrep.find
The agent which collects the list of files to search.
Finder(Fsgrep, ScanProfile) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
Finder() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
findMatchFiles() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
findNumberAvailable() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
findSearchField() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
findSearchType() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
finish() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.GuiProgressBar
finish() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.NullProgressBar
finish() - Method in interface mk.fsgrep.util.ProgressBar
finish() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
finishFile(FileSearch) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
flush() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.FileOutput
flush() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.OutputDestination
Formatable - Interface in mk.fsgrep.util
formatResults() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
Fsgrep - Class in mk.fsgrep
The primary application class.
Fsgrep(Args) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
Fsgrep() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
Only for testing.


get(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Lookup the Finder object for a given spec.
get(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.IconResource
get(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextResource
getAction() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getAction() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
getActiveComponents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getActiveLines() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile.LineReader
getAllLines() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile.LineReader
getAlwaysRescan() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getApp() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
getApp() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
getApp() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
getApp() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getAreaNew() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getAreaOrig() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getArgs() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getAvailable() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
getBackupFinder() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getBar() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.GuiProgressBar
getBooleanProperty(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
Lookup the value for the given key and convert it to a boolean.
getBuffer() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane
getBuffer() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.StringOutput
getBuildTime() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
getButtonAbort() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonCancel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
getButtonCancel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
getButtonCancel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
getButtonChange() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonChoose() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
getButtonClear() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonInfoEditor() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
getButtonInfoRescan() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
getButtonNoAll() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getButtonNoThis() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getButtonOk() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FilelistDisplay
getButtonOk() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
getButtonOk() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
getButtonOk() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
getButtonOk() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
getButtonOk() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getButtonRefine() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getButtonReplace() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getButtonRescan() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonResults() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonSave() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getButtonSearch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonSelectPattern1() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonSelectPattern2() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getButtonYesAll() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getButtonYesThis() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getCallback() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
getCheckCase() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getCheckComments() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getCheckFilenames() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getCheckListFiles() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getCheckWrap() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getContent() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.InfoDialog
getContent() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PackageResource
getControl() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
getCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
getCurrent() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Give the "currently selected spec" by giving the first one on the list.
getDialog() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
getDialog() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
getDir() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.DirScan
getDoConfirm() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
getDoContinue() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
getEnd() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer.Points
getEnd() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
getField() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.FieldCounter
getFieldDir() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
getFieldEditor() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
getFieldFile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getFieldFilename() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
getFieldLineNum() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getFieldNumFinished() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldNumMatch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldNumRemain() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldNumTotal() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldReplacement() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldSearch1() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldSearch2() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldStatus() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFieldSuffix() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
getFile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
getFile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
getFile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
getFile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
getFileCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getFileList() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getFilelistDisplay() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getFilename() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
getFilename() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.FileOutput
getFileName() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
getFilenameSpec() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
getFileStream() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
getFileWriter() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.FileOutput
getFilter() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getFilter() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
getFilterNumbers() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
getFinder() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.DirScan
getFinder() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getFinishedCounter() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getHtmlPane() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getIcon() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.IconResource
getIconForButton() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.InfoButton
getInstance() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
getInstance() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getInstance() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SearchFactory
getInstance() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
getInstance() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
getInstance() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
getInstance() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryFactory
getKeysPrefixed(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
Return the sorted set of all keys that have the give prefix.
getLastFilename() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
getLastSave() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getLicense() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
getLineMatches() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
getLineNumberReader() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
getLines() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
getLinesSearched() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
getList() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
getList() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
getLiveOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getMap() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
getMatchCounter() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getMatchFlag() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getMaxSize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
getModel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getModel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getModel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
getMostRecentSearch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getName() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
getName() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
getName() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
getNewLines() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
getNextAvailable() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
getNumber() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.FileLine
getOrCreateResults() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
getOriginalErr() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
getOriginalOut() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
getOut() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
getOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FilelistDisplay
getParent() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.DialogOutput
getPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.PatternFilter
getPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
getPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
getPrefix() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
getPrintStream() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
getPrintWriter() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.FileOutput
getProfile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getProfileSelect() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getProgress() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getProgressBar() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getProjectDescription() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
getProjectName() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
getProjectVersion() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
getQuery() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryFactory
getRE() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.PatternFilter
getRE() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getRE() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
getRecentProfiles() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getRecentSearches() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getRemaining() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getRemainingCounter() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getReplaceCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
getReplacement() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getReplacement() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
getReportArea() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getReportArea() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getReportBuffer() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getReportOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getReportOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getResult() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
getResultDisplay() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getResultFile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
getResultFilelist() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getResultList() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getResultOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getResults() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getResults() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
getRoot() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getRoot() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
getRoot() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
getRunner() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getRunner() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getSearchTypePane() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getSegmentCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
getSegments() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
getSelectAutoRescan() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
getSelected() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.BooleanChoice
Return the boolean value of the selected item.
getSelectedString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.BooleanChoice
Return the string value of the selected item.
getSelectionLocation() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
getSet() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.CommonSizeSet
getShowUsage() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
getShowVersion() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
getSize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
getSize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
getSource() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
getSpec() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
getStart() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer.Points
getStart() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
getStatusOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
getStatusOutput() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
getSuffix() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
getSuffix() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
getTabbedPane() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getText() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.FileLine
getTextArea() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
getTextArea() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FilelistDisplay
getTextArea() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
getTextArea() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
getTextArea() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.TextAreaOutput
getTextField() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.TextFieldOutput
getThread() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
getTotal() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
getTotalCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
getUri() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PackageResource
getValue() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
getValue() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ResultCounter
getWasChanged() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
GuiProgressBar - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Draws a text-based progress bar (percentage completion).
GuiProgressBar(JProgressBar) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.GuiProgressBar


handleExternalEdit(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
handleFileView(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
handleItemSelection() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
handleMatch(int, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
handleNewProfileSelection(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
handleProfileSelection() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
The action handler for the profile section list.
handleProfileSettings(String, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
The callback function for the profile selection dialog.
handleSave() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
hasMore() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
hasMoreLines() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile.LineReader
HtmlTablePane - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
HtmlTablePane() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane


IconResource - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Read a resource from the jar (classpath actually) and return it as an icon.
IconResource(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.IconResource
INCLUDE_PATH - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.PackageResource
increment(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ResultCounter
increment() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ResultCounter
incrementCount() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
incrementLinesSearched() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
InfoButton - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A specialized button that displays an informational dialog.
InfoDialog - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
InfoDialog(Component, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.InfoDialog
InfoDialog(Component, String, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.InfoDialog
initialize(OutputDestination, OutputDestination, OutputDestination, OutputDestination, ProgressBar) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
initialize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
initialize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
initialize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
initialize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
initialize(Pattern, TargetFile, Fsgrep) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
initialize(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
initialize(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.GuiProgressBar
initialize(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.NullProgressBar
initialize(int) - Method in interface mk.fsgrep.util.ProgressBar
initialize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
initialize(Reader) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
initialize(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
initialize(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
initialize() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
initializeModel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
initializeSegment() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
isAborted() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
isActionSearch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
isCaseSensitive() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
isDefined() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
isDefined() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
isEmpty() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Determine whether the list of specs is empty.
isInBlockComment() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
isListFileMatches() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
isListFilesWithoutMatch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
isQuiet() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
isSearchFileNames() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
isSearchingComments() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
isUsingGui() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
itemStateChanged(ItemEvent) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
iterator() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles


keepFirst() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Remove all items except the first one (current).
keepFirst() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
Remove all items except the first one.
KEY_DEFAULT_DIR - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
KEY_DEFAULT_SUFFIX - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
KEY_RESCAN - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
KEY_RESULT_FILE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args


LAST_SAVE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
launch(Fsgrep) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
launch(String, String, OutputDestination, OutputDestination) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
launchGui() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
LICENSE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
listFiles() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
load() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
Read the data file to populate this object.
LOG_FILE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
The file where out/err would be redirected.
lookupDefinition() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
lookupFactory(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SearchFactory


main(String[]) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
main(String[]) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
main(String[]) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
main(String[]) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
makeBottomPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
makeButtonPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
makeButtonPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
makeButtonPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
makeButtonPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
makeContentPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
makeContents() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Splash
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FilelistDisplay
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
makeFrame() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
makeMainPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.Preferences
makeMainPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
makeMainPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
makeMenuBar() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makePatternField1() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makePatternField2() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makeRegexpFromSuffix(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
makeRegexpFromSuffixList(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
makeResultPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
makeScanPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makeSearchEntryPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makeSearchPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makeStatusBarPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
makeStatusPanel() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
MANIFEST_PROPS - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
ManifestProperties - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
A utilty that extracts metadata from the JAR manifest.
ManifestProperties(Class) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
matchesNonComment(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
MatchResult - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
The match results of a file search.
MatchResult(TargetFile) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
MAX_SIZE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
The maximum number of recent items kept when saved.
mk.fsgrep - package mk.fsgrep
The principle classes.
mk.fsgrep.find - package mk.fsgrep.find
Classes related to the 'find' functionality, or traversing the directory heirarchy for the desired files.
mk.fsgrep.gui - package mk.fsgrep.gui
The graphical user interface for the application.
mk.fsgrep.match - package mk.fsgrep.match
Classes related to the 'grep' functionality, or applying the pattern to a file.
mk.fsgrep.util - package mk.fsgrep.util
General utility classes.
mk.fsgrep.util.output - package mk.fsgrep.util.output
Different, pluggable application output handlers.
mk.fsgrep.util.thread - package mk.fsgrep.util.thread
Thread related utilities.
MRUList - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Most recently used list.
MRUList() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
MRUList(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
MRUList(int, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList


nextLine() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
nextLine() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile.LineReader
noAll() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
noThis() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
NullOutput - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
Generate no output.
NullOutput() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.NullOutput
NullProgressBar - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Draws a text-based progress bar (percentage completion).
NullProgressBar() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.NullProgressBar


OutputDestination - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
The location to which output is directed.
OutputDestination() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.OutputDestination
OutputRedirector - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
A utility to redirect stdout/stderr to a file.
OutputRedirector() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector


P_BACKSLASH - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
P_DOLLAR - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
PackageResource - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Read a resource from the jar (classpath actually).
PackageResource(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.PackageResource
PAGE_END - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane
PAGE_START - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane
parse(String[]) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
PatternFilter - Class in mk.fsgrep.find
Filter directory contents based on the file suffix.
PatternFilter(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.PatternFilter
performPatternSearch(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
performRefinedSearch(String, Collection<TargetFile>) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
PERSISTENT_MAP_KEY - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
PERSISTENT_PREFIX - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
PersistentData - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
A simple persistent data store using the Java Properties framework.
PersistentData() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
The default constructor loads the file.
Preferences - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A dialog that allows the user to modify (persistent) application data settings.
prepare() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.ConsoleOutput
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.DialogOutput
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.FileOutput
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.NullOutput
print(Object) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.OutputDestination
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.OutputDestination
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.StringOutput
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.TextAreaOutput
print(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.TextFieldOutput
printHeader() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
println(Object) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.OutputDestination
println(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.output.OutputDestination
printMemory() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
process(int, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
process(FileLine) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
process(int, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
ProfileSettings - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A dialog for selecting new scan profiles.
ProgressBar - Interface in mk.fsgrep.util
Draws a text-based progress bar (percentage completion).
PropertiesSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
PropertiesSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.PropertiesSearch
put(String, int, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
Save the key/value mapping where the key is a prefix/index.


query(String, String, String, String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
query(String, String, String, String) - Method in interface mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQuery


RawLineReader - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
A utility that fully reads a file and provides access to the contents as a List of lines.
RawLineReader(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
RawLineReader(File) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
RawLineReader() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
For testing only.
RE_BLANK_LINE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
RE_BLANK_LINE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
RE_BLOCK_COMMENT_END - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
RE_BLOCK_COMMENT_END - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
RE_BLOCK_COMMENT_ONELINE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
RE_BLOCK_COMMENT_ONELINE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
RE_BLOCK_COMMENT_START - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
RE_BLOCK_COMMENT_START - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
RE_FILE_NAME - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
RE_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
RE_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.PropertiesSearch
RE_LINE_COMMENT - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.SqlSearch
RE_LINE_NUM - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
RE_MULTI_SLASH - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.PackageResource
RE_PRINCIPLE_COMMENT - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
RE_PRINCIPLE_COMMENT - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
RE_STRIP_EOL - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
readContent() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.IconResource
readContent() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PackageResource
readContent() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextResource
readData(Fsgrep) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Read the stored profiles from the persistent data.
readData(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
Read the stored profiles from the persistent data using the given persistent map prefix.
readData() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
Read the stored profiles from the persistent data.
readDefaults() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
readFile(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
README - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
reBlockCommentEnd() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
reBlockCommentEnd() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
reBlockCommentEnd() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
reBlockCommentOneLine() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
reBlockCommentOneLine() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
reBlockCommentOneLine() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
reBlockCommentStart() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
reBlockCommentStart() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
reBlockCommentStart() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
RecentPatternSelector - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A dialog that allows the user to select an item from the list of recently used search patterns.
RecentProfiles - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A utility that keep a record of recently referenced scan profiles.
RecentProfiles() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
redirect() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
redraw() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.HtmlTablePane
refreshMap(Fsgrep) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
Clear the map, then (re)populate it.
reLineComment() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
reLineComment() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
reLineComment() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.PropertiesSearch
reLineComment() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SqlSearch
removeFirst() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
removeKeysPrefixed(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
Remove all keys that have the give prefix.
replace() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
Replace - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
Search for a regular expression in a file.
Replace(ReplaceControl, TargetFile) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
replace() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
ReplaceControl - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
ReplaceControl(Pattern, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
ReplaceItem - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
The interactive dialog asking the user to confirm on line replacement.
replacePattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
ReplaceQuery - Interface in mk.fsgrep.util
ReplaceQueryFactory - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
ReplaceQueryFactory() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryFactory
ReplaceQueryResult - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
ReplaceQueryResult(int) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
rePrincipleCommentPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CJavaSearch
rePrincipleCommentPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
rePrincipleCommentPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
reset() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
reset() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
reset() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ResultCounter
reshow() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
restore() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
restoreFinder() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
ResultCounter - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
ResultCounter() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.ResultCounter
ResultDisplay - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
A separate frame that displays search results.
ResultDisplay(App) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
run() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.DirScan
run(Args) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
run() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
run() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
run() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
run(Runnable) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
run() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
RunCallback - Interface in mk.fsgrep.util.thread
Defines a callback object/action after a thread has been run.
runFinished(ThreadRunner) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
runFinished(ThreadRunner) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
runFinished(ThreadRunner) - Method in interface mk.fsgrep.util.thread.RunCallback
runFinished(ThreadRunner) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
runSearch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App


save() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
saveContent(Collection<FileLine>) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
saveData() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
Saves the state of this object to the persistent store.
saveSearchResults() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
saveTo(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
scan() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
scan() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.SubsetFinder
ScanProfile - Class in mk.fsgrep.find
The representation of the set of files to search.
ScanProfile(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
ScanProfile(File, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
ScanProfile(String, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
search() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
search() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FilenameSearch
search() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
search() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
search() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
search() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ZipSearch
SearchFactory - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
Encapsulate the logic that determines which time of search object to use.
SearchFactory() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.SearchFactory
searchForPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
select(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
A callback function for the GUI that gets called when the user selects a spec from the list.
selectRecentSearchPattern() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
SEPARATOR - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
set(int, int, int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer.SelectionLocation
setAborted(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setAction(Action) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setAction(Runnable) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
setBackupFinder(Finder) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setButtonAbort(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setButtonChange(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setButtonClear(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setButtonRescan(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setButtonResults(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setButtonSearch(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setButtonSelectPattern1(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setButtonSelectPattern2(JButton) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setCaseSensitive(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setCheckCase(JCheckBox) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setCheckComments(JCheckBox) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setCheckFilenames(JCheckBox) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setCheckListFiles(JCheckBox) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setContinueReading(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
setDefaults(AppProperties) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setDialog(JDialog) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentPatternSelector
setDoConfirm(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
setDoContinue(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
setEnd(long) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
setFieldNumFinished(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFieldNumMatch(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFieldNumRemain(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFieldNumTotal(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFieldReplacement(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFieldSearch1(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFieldSearch2(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFieldStatus(JTextField) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setFileCount(ResultCounter) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
setFilename(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
setFilenameSpec(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
setFileStream(FileOutputStream) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
setFilter(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
setFinder(Finder) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setFinishedCounter(ResultCounter) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setFrame(JFrame) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setHtmlPane(HtmlTablePane) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
setInBlockComment(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.CodeSearch
setInstance(ReplaceQueryFactory) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryFactory
setLastFilename(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
setLastSave(TargetFile) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
setLineNumberReader(LineNumberReader) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
setListFileMatches(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setListFilesWithoutMatch(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setLiveOutput(OutputDestination) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setMatchCounter(ResultCounter) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setMaxSize(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
setModel(Fsgrep) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setNewLines(List<FileLine>) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
setOriginalErr(PrintStream) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
setOriginalOut(PrintStream) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
setOut(OutputDestination) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
setPattern(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setPattern(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setPrintStream(PrintStream) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.OutputRedirector
setProfile(ScanProfile) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
setProfileSelect(JComboBox) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setProfileSelection(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setProgressBar(JProgressBar) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setQuiet(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setRE(Pattern) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setRemainingCounter(ResultCounter) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setReplaceCount(ResultCounter) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.ReplaceControl
setReplacement(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
setReportArea(JTextArea) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
setResult(ReplaceQueryResult) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ReplaceItem
setResultDisplay(ResultDisplay) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setResultFile(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setResults(MatchResult) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
setRoot(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setRunner(ThreadRunner) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
setSearchFileNames(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setSearchingComments(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setSearchText(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setSearchTypePane(JTabbedPane) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setSelected(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.BooleanChoice
Select the item corresponding to the given boolean value.
setShowUsage(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setShowVersion(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setSize(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
setStart(long) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
setStopAfterFirstMatch(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
setSuffix(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setText(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.FileLine
setTextArea(JTextArea) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ResultDisplay
setThread(Thread) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
setTotal(long) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
setupAction(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
setUsingGui(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Args
setValue(long) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.FieldCounter
setValue(long) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ResultCounter
setWasChanged(boolean) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.Replace
SgmlSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
SgmlSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.SgmlSearch
shouldContinueReading() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
shouldStopAfterFirstMatch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
show(String) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.FileViewer
showFilelistResult() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
showMatchResult() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
showResult(Timer) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
showSearchStatisticsReport() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
Splash - Class in mk.fsgrep.gui
The splash screen that is initially displayed when the GUI is launched.
SqlSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
SqlSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.SqlSearch
stop() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
stopAfterFirstMatch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.FileSearch
stopAfterFirstMatch() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
store() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PersistentData
Save this objects values to the file.
StringOutput - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
Send output to a string buffer.
StringOutput(StringBuffer) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.StringOutput
stripEol(String) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
SubsetFinder - Class in mk.fsgrep.find
A specialization of finder that is created with the set of files.
SubsetFinder(Collection<TargetFile>) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.SubsetFinder
SUFFIXES - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.SearchFactory


TargetFile - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
A wrapper for the File object which caches the canonical name and the suffix, so these do not have to be determined multiple times.
TargetFile(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
TargetFile(File) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
TargetFile(File, String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
TargetFile() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
TargetFile.LineReader - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
TargetFile.LineReader(RawLineReader, Collection<Integer>) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile.LineReader
TextAreaOutput - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
Send output to a given file.
TextAreaOutput(JTextArea) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.TextAreaOutput
TextFieldOutput - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.output
Send output to a given file.
TextFieldOutput(JTextField) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.output.TextFieldOutput
TextFileFilter - Class in mk.fsgrep.find
Determine whether the given file is a text file, and accept it if it is.
TextFileFilter() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.find.TextFileFilter
TextProgressBar - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Draws a text-based progress bar (percentage completion).
TextProgressBar(OutputDestination) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
TextResource - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Read a resource from the jar (classpath actually) and return it as a string.
TextResource(String) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.TextResource
TextSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
TextSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.TextSearch
ThreadPool - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.thread
ThreadPool(String, int) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
ThreadRunner - Class in mk.fsgrep.util.thread
Execute a runnable in a new thread and then trigger a callback when finished.
ThreadRunner(String, RunCallback) - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
Timer - Class in mk.fsgrep.util
Take performance measurements.
Timer() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.util.Timer
toAboutString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
toCopyrightString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
toHtml() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
toHtml() - Method in interface mk.fsgrep.util.Formatable
toProfileString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
toProjectSummaryString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.Finder
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.PatternFilter
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.find.ScanProfile
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.RecentProfiles
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.FileLine
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.PackageResource
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.RawLineReader
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TargetFile
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextResource
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
toString() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadRunner
totalLinesSearched() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
totalLinesSearched(int) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
toTargetFile() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.match.MatchResult
trim() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
Trim the number of entries to the maximum size by removing the older elements.


UNDEFINED - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor
UNDEFINED - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ManifestProperties
UNDEFINED_PREFIX - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.MRUList
Constant representing an undefined persistent map prefix (the default).
update() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.GuiProgressBar
update() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.NullProgressBar
update() - Method in interface mk.fsgrep.util.ProgressBar
update() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.TextProgressBar
USAGE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
useFileChooser() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
useGivenValues() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
USER_HOME - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.AppProperties
useTransientFinder(Finder) - Method in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep


V_SEARCH_ONLY - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
V_SEARCH_REPLACE - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
validateDirectory() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.ProfileSettings
VERSION - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
VERSION_EXTRA - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.Fsgrep
vInstance - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryFactory


waitForCompletion() - Method in class mk.fsgrep.util.thread.ThreadPool
wrapButtons(JButton, JButton) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App
wrapButtons(Collection<JButton>) - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.gui.App


yesAll() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult
yesThis() - Static method in class mk.fsgrep.util.ReplaceQueryResult


ZipSearch - Class in mk.fsgrep.match
ZipSearch() - Constructor for class mk.fsgrep.match.ZipSearch


_instance - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.match.SearchFactory
_instance - Static variable in class mk.fsgrep.util.ExternalEditor

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