Uses of Class

Packages that use OutputDestination
mk.fsgrep The principle classes. 
mk.fsgrep.find Classes related to the 'find' functionality, or traversing the directory heirarchy for the desired files. 
mk.fsgrep.gui The graphical user interface for the application. 
mk.fsgrep.util General utility classes. 
mk.fsgrep.util.output Different, pluggable application output handlers. 

Uses of OutputDestination in mk.fsgrep

Methods in mk.fsgrep that return OutputDestination
 OutputDestination Fsgrep.getLiveOutput()
 OutputDestination Fsgrep.getReportOutput()
 OutputDestination Fsgrep.getResultOutput()
 OutputDestination Fsgrep.getStatusOutput()

Methods in mk.fsgrep with parameters of type OutputDestination
 void Fsgrep.initialize(OutputDestination pReport, OutputDestination pResult, OutputDestination pLive, OutputDestination pStatus, ProgressBar pBar)
 void Fsgrep.setLiveOutput(OutputDestination val)

Uses of OutputDestination in mk.fsgrep.find

Methods in mk.fsgrep.find that return OutputDestination
protected  OutputDestination Finder.getReportOutput()
protected  OutputDestination Finder.getStatusOutput()

Uses of OutputDestination in mk.fsgrep.gui

Methods in mk.fsgrep.gui that return OutputDestination
 OutputDestination HtmlTablePane.createOutput()

Uses of OutputDestination in mk.fsgrep.util

Methods in mk.fsgrep.util that return OutputDestination
 OutputDestination Args.createFileOutput()
 OutputDestination Args.createReportOutput()
 OutputDestination Args.createResultOutput()
protected  OutputDestination TextProgressBar.getOut()

Methods in mk.fsgrep.util with parameters of type OutputDestination
 void ExternalEditor.launch(java.lang.String filename, java.lang.String linenum, OutputDestination pStatus, OutputDestination pError)
protected  void TextProgressBar.setOut(OutputDestination val)

Constructors in mk.fsgrep.util with parameters of type OutputDestination
TextProgressBar(OutputDestination pOut)

Uses of OutputDestination in mk.fsgrep.util.output

Subclasses of OutputDestination in mk.fsgrep.util.output
 class ConsoleOutput
          Send output to stdout.
 class DialogOutput
          Send output to a notification dialog.
 class FileOutput
          Send output to a given file.
 class NullOutput
          Generate no output.
 class StringOutput
          Send output to a string buffer.
 class TextAreaOutput
          Send output to a given file.
 class TextFieldOutput
          Send output to a given file.

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